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Contact details
Al Sanaa Street, District 64 (between al Markhia and al Jamia Av.)
PO BOX 24418
T: +974 449 315 42
T: +974 449 314 99
F: +974 449 301 51
Emergency number outside openings hours (only for Belgian citizens in distress): +974 666 189 85
Email address: doha@diplobel.fed.be
For all questions related to visas please use following email address: doha.visa@diplobel.fed.be
Opening hours
The Belgian Embassy in Doha can be reached by phone from Sunday until Thursday: 08.30-12.30.
The Embassy is open to visitors by appointment only.
To schedule an appointment, please go to the e-Appointment website
Please note that during the holy month of Ramadan the Embassy will be open from 09.00 until 12.00.