Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small text file that can be stored on your computer when you visit websites.

What is a cookie?

Information is saved in this text file, such as your choice of language on a website. When you visit the website later again, this cookie returns to the concerned website. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and can for example retain your choice of language.

Cookies usually also have an expiration date. For example, some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser (so-called session cookies), while others can be stored longer on your computer, sometimes until you delete them manually (so-called permanent cookies).

Why do we use cookies?

The FPS Foreign Affairs, administrator of the website, uses 3 types of cookies on its website:

  • Essential cookies;
  • Functional cookies;
  • Cookies for analytical purposes.

The FPS Foreign Affairs uses essential and functional cookies to manage the content of its website. These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of this website. It is not possible to refuse these cookies if you want to visit our website.

The FPS Foreign Affairs also uses "MATOMO" for analytical purposes. This analytical tool measures website visits. To collect additional useful information the tool places cookies that we use in order to quantify the visits (traffic) on the website. This allows us to know how many times a particular page is consulted. We only use this information to improve the content of our website or as a basis for a new campaign by determining certain topics of great interest.

For this analysis tool, we use a Matomo-Cloud, an external partner that has both its organisation and the underlying data centres in Europe and is fully committed to GDPR-compliance and respect for privacy. For the use of cookies for analytical purposes, your prior consent is requested. If you do not consent, only limited visit statistics will be gathered without installing cookies.


List of essential cookies

These cookies are necessary for purely technical reasons for a normal visit of the website. Given the technical necessity, an information obligation solely applies, and these cookies are saved from the moment you access the website.

List of essential cookies

Name Expiry Content Purpose
BIGipServerF2W-… At the end of the session A sequence of characters Assigns the processing of the requests of a user to a server.
TS01448b0 (characters after TS… vary) At the end of the session A sequence of characters Assigns the processing of the requests of a user to a server.

List of functional cookies

You cannot block these cookies if you want to access this website, but they are saved only after a choice is made concerning the placement of cookies.

List of functional cookies

Name Expiry Content Purpose
language 365 days (1 year) Langue of the most recently visited page On the next visit, you will automatically arrive on the homepage in the chosen language.
has_js At the end of the session 1 Quick check of the availability of javascript.

List van analytical cookies

You can decline these cookies if you want to surf on our website.

List of analytical cookies

Name Expiry Content Purpose
_pk_id 28 days Token id Analysis of the website visits.
_pk_ref 6 months   Analysis of the website visits.
_pk_ses 50 minutes Session ID Analysis of the website visits.


How can I see which cookies are saved in my device and how can I delete them?

If you wish to know which cookies have been saved on your device or if you can delete them, you can use a parameter of your browser. You will find more information on how to do it via the following links.

Which cookies are placed for each browser

Firefox Chrome Safari Internet Explorer
Firefox (mobile) Chrome (mobile) Safari (mobile) Microsoft Edge


If you use another browser, you can check if the procedure for your browser is mentioned in